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WHOIS Email Verification

WHOIS Email Verification

We are now required to comply with rules in the ICANN Whois Accuracy Program (WAP). This is a new policy introduced by ICANN that will apply to all registered domain names and requires that we verify all the contact information supplied for any domain registration is correct.

You can read about ICANN's new policy at the link below:

Why am I being asked to validate my email address?

This requirement has been introduced by ICANN; the governing body for domain registrations and is something that we are now required to adhere to. For all new domain registrations, this process will need to be completed within 15 days to avoid suspension of the domain name.

This will also be required for existing registered domain names and the process will be triggered by applying any changes to the registered domain owner details, nameserver settings, transfer of a domain, or where a domain name has WHOIS data which is incomplete or appears to be inaccurate.

How do I validate my domain?

We will send an email to the registered email address for any domains requiring validation. This email will contain a verification link that you will need to click in order to complete the process.

If you have multiple domains registered to the same email contact - the process will only need to be completed once, the verification will apply for all domains registered to this contact email address.

What if I have registered domains on behalf of other individuals or organisations?

If you register domains on behalf of any other individuals or organisations and do not have access to the registered email address for the domains, it's important to make the registrant aware of the email validation requirements. If the process is not completed within 15 days the registration of the domain will be suspended and any associated website will go offline.

What should I do if a domain is registered to an inactive or non-existent email address?

If your domain requires validation and the email contact registered to the domain is invalid, or incorrect, you will need to update the ownership details for the domain to set an active email address.

We will then re-send the validation email to the updated address.

What happens if I don't validate my domain registration?

If the domain validation process is not completed within 15 days from when the first verification email is sent, the domain registration will be suspended. This will mean that all services linked to the domain will stop functioning – websites would be taken offline and email would stop functioning. The nameservers for the domain would be reset to the our defaults and a "˜Domain Suspended" holding page would be displayed. It could take up to 24 hours following unsuspension of the domain, before website/email services would start to function correctly again.

I have already validated my email address. Do I need to complete this process each time I register a new domain?

Once you have validated your email address this should apply to all domains and any future domains that you register to the same email contact address.

There are some exceptions to this rule however; some domain extensions may require the validation of contact details to be completed individually for each domain that is registered. If this is a requirement, a notice will be added to the domains page within your Jolis International account - to notify you of any pending validation requirements.

What if I need to resend the verification email?

Please create a ticket through your Jolis International account requesting us to resend you the respective verification email

What is the subject of the verification email?

The subject of the email sent out is: E-mail address verification initiated and the sender of the email is Jolis International (